What The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About CBD

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you’ve probably seen CBD oils making headlines all over the globe with the seemingly magic liquid responsible for the successful treatment of all kinds of diseases and conditions.

But what is CBD, what can it do and what does the government not want you to know about the oil.

What actually is CBD?

First things first – what actually is CBD? Well, the three-letter abbreviation is short for cannabidiol and is a chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. It’s naturally occurring and is taking over everything from coffee to soaps, promoting a feeling of relaxation and calm.

With everything from anxiety and depression to cancer and Parkinsons able to be treated with the usage of CBD droplets, it’s no surprise that a serious shockwave is travelling around the globe with its powers. The most surprising part? It’s not even a new discovery.

CBD (well, cannabis-derived medicine) dates back to 2737 BC with the Chinese Emperor Seng Nung who used a cannabis-infused tea to help with a variety of ailments ranging from memory loss to gout.

But if cannabis has been used to treat conditions and diseases so far in the past, why is this such a new thing now? What does the government not want you to know about CBD and the healing properties from the cannabis-derived oil?

1. You won’t get high

First and foremost, the most asked question about the use of CBD oils is whether or not you’ll get high from your supply – and the answer is very simple no.

CBD, not to be confused with THC, is completely free of the euphoria or the high experienced from ingesting cannabis. THC will bind tightly to the CB1 and CB2 nerve receptors in the brain, this is what’s responsible for the high felt.

With CBD you won’t have to worry. There’s no chance of the high so you’ll be free to walk around and go about your daily business without that feeling of paranoia…

No THC, no high, no problem!

2. There’s no prescription needed

Next up on the list is to do with the acquisition of your new oily medication and it may come as a surprise that there’s absolutely no prescription needed.

Anybody that wants to see what CBD can do for them is more than welcome to and can purchase any form of CBD infused products from vape pens to simple droppers.

It is important to note that CBD derived from hemp is the asterisk to this discovery with CBD products derived from medical marijuana requiring the state to have legalised marijuana (or have a prescription).

That’s a big win for the people to get exactly the right sort of healthcare necessary no matter what their prescription reads.

3. It’s great for medical conditions

Unlike most modern medicine, pills and products – CBD oils are fantastic for a wide range of medical conditions.

With help with inflammation, relaxation and plenty of other benefits, there’s a good chunk that can be helped with CBD. The following conditions are just some of those that be benefited with the use of CBD:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuropathy
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Migraines
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s
  • Autism

With all these conditions (and more) all treatable with the use of CBD – it’s a wonder why we’ve been waiting for so long for the secret to come out…

4. It benefits the mind

Not only does the oil help with physical conditions, but a plethora of mental ones too.

With anxiety, depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) all positively affected with the supplementation of CBD oil – it’s a serious step in the right direction for mental health as a whole.

It just takes a 30-second read of any review on any CBD selling site to see the impact that the oils are having of the lives of others. It really does change lives, from the severely depressed to veterans suffering from PTSD, everyone will know someone who can benefit.

5. There’s research into combating cancer

Although research is still underway into the treatment of cancer, CBD has been showing some positive traits when used in cancer patients.

The stimulation of appetite, pain relief and treatment for nausea are amongst the main uses of the oils in cancer patients, but further investigation into treatments continue. There is however some evidence to show that CBD use can be linked to cancer prevention with both bladder cancer and tobacco-related cancers studied to discover the link.

But as of current, there is limited evidence that cancers can successfully treat the primary issues of cancer.

6. Can help reduces negative effects of a high

One of the wackier uses of CBD that the government definitely won’t want to be broadcasting is the reduction of the negative effects felt during a high.

CBD can actually be used to prevent the paranoia and anxiety often felt if too much cannabis is ingested. Although it might not be the number 1 use on the list, it’s something worth knowing, even if it is just to throw out a random fact at a party.

7. The human body creates cannabinoids

Believe it or not – the human body actually creates cannabinoids, just like those found in the cannabis plant.

Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids created by the plant, as we would expect to find in most CBD products, whereas endocannabinoids are those created naturally within the human body. Anandamide is an example of this human-created cannabinoids and works by activating the CB1 receptor (similar to THC).

It’s then seen that depression, anxiety, blood pressure and inflammation can all be reduced with the natural production of the substance. The body sure is a clever old thing…

To read more on topics like this, check out the health category.