3 Vital Items To Add To Your Emergency Supplies

Whether you live in a place that is known for having bad weather and occasional storms or this isn’t something that you typically have to be concerned with, having emergency supplies in your home can be incredibly helpful. Even if there’s an earthquake, power outage, lockdown or some other type of event, having just a few of the basics on-hand will help you make it through this uncertain time.

While everyone knows that they need food and water to survive, there are a few things that many people don’t have in their emergency supplies that can make their life a whole lot easier during unforeseen circumstances. To help you see just what you should be including, here are three vital items to add to your emergency supplies.

A Way To Communicate

One thing that many people don’t think about before an emergency takes place is how they’ll be able to communicate with others in the event that their Wi-Fi or power is out.

If cell phones still work, one of your main concerns will be having a way to charge your phone. While you can have backup batteries for some phones, you may want to get a generator that will be able to give you the power that you need. You could also look into getting a HAM radio or walkie talkies if you’re wanting to communicate with someone within a certain distance.

Necessary First Aid Items

A fundamental part of any emergency supply kit is first aid items. But while you might have bandages and some basic over-the-counter medicines, you might need to think a little beyond this as well.

If you or anyone in your home has some additional medical needs that require medication, it’s very important that you keep some extras of those items in your emergency kit as well. Especially if you won’t be able to leave your home for a period of time, having what you need within easy access can save a life.

Cash For Purchases

Regardless of how prepared you might think you are for emergencies at home, since you can’t plan when an emergency will strike, there will likely be something that you’ll be needing that you won’t have on you.

Depending on the type of emergency you’re dealing with, you might need to pay cash to make any purchases. But if you don’t have any cash at home, you might not be able to get what you need. So within your emergency supplies, try to keep some small denominations of bills hidden away that you can use if and when they are needed.

If you think you have yourself covered for the basics of an emergency supply list at home, consider if adding the items mentioned above could be beneficial to you.