Weekend Getaways From Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, is a bustling metropolis which is loaded with plentiful of touristic attractions. Dominated by glass-and-steel-clad skyscrapers, the city boasts of British colonial-era landmarks. However, for those looking for a break from the hectic city life, need not get disappointed.  There are plenty of spots nearby where one can plan a weekend getaway. If you are looking for state-of-the-art amenities and heavenly abodes, then Sunway Putra Hotel is the best. The hotel offers special packages that keep the prices low but surpasses your expectations. You can pick from a vast range of resorts and Sunway hotels for your two-day trip that packs in everything from nature, adventure, shopping and some great food!

It is time to escape from that glitzy atmosphere and bustling community of Kuala Lumpur. Look forward to a welcome respite at the following weekend getaways from the capital.

Penang Island, located towards the north of Malaysia is the top choice for a weekend getaway. You will simply love the island boasting of beautiful temples, historical sites, and sandy beaches. A major lure for the visitors is the food here. Within the two days, you can get to see a lot and feel the essence of the island. There is an exciting mix of modern and traditional offering in its natural and cultural attractions. You can visit Penang Hill, Kek Lok Si Temple, Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, Penang Interactive Museum, just to name a few attractions.

The central state of Malacca lies further down southwest from Kuala Lumpur and is just a two-hour drive away. It is an excellent location for the history buffs. One can easily spend the two days exploring the historical sites and monuments. Some famous names are Dutch Square, Famosa, and St Paul’s Church. Visit the popular Jonker Street market. Some of the top attractions in Malacca include the A’Famosa Fort, Christ Church, The Stadthuys, Malacca Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary and a lot more.

Sekeping Serendah
If you love nature and want to spend some only moments surrounded by nature, then Sekeping Serendah is just the perfect getaway for you. Away from the urban landscape and vibrancy of Kuala Lumpur, the charming resort is about an hour from the capital.  It covers about five acres of tropical rainforest and offers ample opportunities for waterfall hiking and trekking. You can pick any spot to unwind and admire the cool and calm nature around. Discover new places while in Sekeping Serendah apart from the historical sites to cultural attractions. Don’t miss out on the fantastic sights and activities to do in Serendah.

Bentong is just about an hour away from Kuala Lumpur, and its cooler temperature offers you a respite from the Malaysian humidity. The hill range is speckled with parks and plantations. You will come across many quaint little old towns. There are hotels, restaurants and even a casino in an area housing Genting Highlands. Bentong is very popular among those looking for outdoor activities and hiking experiences. Enjoy a dip in the Bentong Kolam Air Panas, which is a natural hot spring.

Sekinchan is a sleepy coastal town which is about an hour away from the city. It is a great spot to see the growth and care of the staple food of the country- rice. Explore those sprawling paddy plantations with the abundantly fertile land. With those sandy coastlines, it is indeed a unique area to visit. You can feel the salty sea breeze at Redang Beach or enjoy the lush greenery of the paddy fields. Snack on the rice and prawn crackers for a great meal.