Top 3 Laptops For Daily Writing

The writing profession is as strong as it has ever been. More and more people around the world are starting to understand why writing is important and are taking it up as a skill that can provide extra revenue or simply be an output for their creativity.

As the internet continues to expand and more and more people start up their blogs and write for online print media and worldwide magazines, the question starts to arise: how can I make the most of my time writing?

The answer is simple.

The way to be the most productive when you sit down to write a piece is to make sure that you have no distractions or impediments. Getting a high-quality writing laptop is a good start as it will not slow down when you’re adding media and text to the writing piece.

Let’s go through a few of the best laptops for writers:

MacBook Air

The MacBook Air is undoubtedly one of Apple’s most successful releases, in terms of its desktop tech. Many writers, students, and even software developers have benefitted from the speed and efficiency of the MacBook Air. These laptops are extremely fast and they come with crystal clear display screens, making it easy on the eyes when you’re sitting down and writing for long periods at a time.

Generally, many people would choose the MacBook Air as the perfect device for many different needs, but from the community of writers, this is undoubtedly the number one pick to improve writing productivity and overall writing quality.

Microsoft Surface Range

Microsoft and Apple have always been in constant competition among a variety of different industries. Many people have their preferences when it comes to devices from these two giant tech companies, and the Microsoft Surface Range directly competes with the MacBook Air Range for the title of best laptop for writers.

The Microsoft Range is slightly slower than the MacBook range but it is still extremely efficient and the speed shouldn’t be an issue. These are also more customizable instead of focused when it comes to the UI of the device. Microsoft devices also tend to be a little bit cheaper but are less sleek and stylish than Apple devices. Either way, both will be brilliant for all of your writing needs.

Acer Aspire

Now for an alternative pick. The Acer Aspire range is far less popular than both the Microsoft and Apple devices showcased above. Acer however knows its way around laptops, and the Aspire range is the perfect, speedy alternative. These laptops are light, they are efficient, and fast, and they will provide all of the features that any writer needs to greatly improve their output and quality of writing. You can even use them for other resource-intensive activities such as playing live dealer roulette or streaming media.

You simply will not regret picking up an Acer Aspire for a much lower price than a Microsoft or an Apple. Acer devices may have a shorter shelf-life, but they are still an excellent short-to-medium-term choice for writers.