Is Distance Learning the Future of Education? – Victor Restis

The Coronavirus pandemic changed the face of education in 2019, forcing millions of students into a distance learning existence. The crisis has major consequences for the educational system in many ways, not least because many colleges and universities have been forced to close due to lack of funding. With no other option available, increasing numbers of high school students are being forced to attend distance learning courses from home instead of traditional classes at their local schools.

Is distance learning here to stay? Freelance writer Victor Resitis thinks so and gives a number of reasons why:

Leveling the Playing Field

Distance learning has the potential to create a much more equal educational system in America, with advantages for both rich and poor students. Today, elite private schools are a top choice for parents who can afford the hefty fees. Unfortunately, public schools are sometimes so underfunded at the other end of the spectrum that they cannot provide basic amenities like good teachers or proper classrooms. Distance learning gives all students the chance to study at top-rated universities, no matter their background.

Distance learning can also improve life beyond high school and college for poorer adults who simply cannot afford to take time away from work by attending classes during regular hours. This means that more people than ever before can achieve their educational goals without breaking the bank or giving up on a steady income. A real win-win situation!

Access for All

Traditional colleges and universities have strict admission requirements: you must be of a certain age, graduate from an accredited secondary school and submit letters along with your application form. For some, these restrictions can be difficult or even impossible to meet.

Distance learning removes many of the barriers associated with attending college – all you need is an internet connection and a laptop! In addition, thousands of online universities don’t require applications or recommendations at all, which means that anyone who is willing to study hard can enroll.

And since most undergraduate courses are fairly short (lasting only 2-3 years), there’s no need to worry about being too old or missing out on vital time in the “real world.” If you’re passionate about something, distance learning will make it possible for you to follow your dreams without age or financial limitations holding you back.

Leveraging the Power of Technology

Rather than hanging on to traditional teaching methods, many online universities are using new technologies to revolutionize how distance learning is presented. These include video lectures, social networking tools, and project-based learning assignments designed with students’ needs in mind.

Advancements in technology allow students to learn at their own pace and discover new things about themselves, which can be life-changing. Many students also report that digital classrooms promote a better rapport between teachers and pupils since both parties can stay in touch outside of class hours.

Distance education is already offering unprecedented levels of flexibility and opportunity for many people worldwide – making it the future of education today!