Businesses and organizations are searching for a fast and cost-efficient solution to ensure that their websites are accessibility compliant. Their website should meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards to avoid costly lawsuits, especially since in the initial half of 2021, the cases associated with website inaccessibility reached 64%.
Since the pandemic began, it has started a digital transformation that increases the demand for inclusive digital experiences across organizations and businesses. Fortunately, website accessibility overlays were introduced to the public. This tool automatically detects and fixes accessibility issues on a website without changing the source code.
To know more about website overlays, here we discuss how they work and how they can help.
How do accessibility overlays work?
Accessibility overlays are basically automated software that detects and fixes accessibility issues on a website. These overlays apply some changes to the code of a website page using a JavaScript snippet in the form of an app, toolbar, plugin, or widget. Accessibility overlays provide advantages for both users and website owners. Get familiar with its benefits below:
Accessibility overlays allow instant web accessibility
Without the need for many resources, accessibility overlays will allow you to minimize the process of adding accessibility features to your website. It won’t require you to edit the source code to implement changes to an element or aspect of the site’s interface to improve its accessibility. The process of inserting the JavaScript into the source code of your website may take a few hours or longer, depending on the overlay you choose.
They streamline the work of developers
One of the ways how accessibility overlays help is they make the job easier for developers to fix accessibility issues in a website. Whether you have an in-house website developer or outsource the job, inserting an accessibility overlay into an existing website is faster and more cost-effective than starting from scratch.
Overlays automate interface adjustments. This way, developers don’t have to code everything manually. It reduces the workload for developers, allowing them to spend their energy and time on more complex aspects of improving the accessibility of a website. It includes improving the functionality of your business website.
They benefit your business later on
Unlike the manual way to improve the accessibility of your website, utilizing accessibility overlays allows you to reap its benefits right away. The reason is that detecting and fixing accessibility issues manually will take a long period and a lot of effort.
Overlays can be applied as fast as a few hours. It means that your users can have a better experience using your website right after those hours of installation. Accordingly, your website will reach more audiences in a shorter time as it becomes more accessible even for people with disabilities. All of those are thanks to the improved website accessibility.
Overall, redesigning your website to enhance its accessibility takes a lot of resources. Time, effort, and money are all valuable assets for your business, and overlays minimize the strain on your budget. The overlays can assist you in meeting some ADA regulations and accessibility standards to some extent.