5 Tools for Reputation Management That Every Company Needs to Use

Managing a reputation is no easy feat. This is true for keeping up personal appearances, but even more true for managing the reputation of an entire company. You might think that the fate of a brand depends on profits, but it actually depends entirely on reputation. Here’s why.

If a company has negative reviews or feedback from customers, this will deter potential customers from making a purchase. Profits come from purchases, so without purchases there are no profits. See? A negative rep really can lead to a brand’s demise.

Even before the company is up and running, focusing on reputation is a task that needs to be done. You can hire an agency that specializes in reputation management and repair, which is a great choice if you can afford it. Unfortunately, not every company can, especially small businesses just trying to pay expenses.


Luckily, there is a way to practice reputation management on your own. Here are a few tools you can start using throughout your business to monitor, build, repair, and maintain your rep.

Google Yourself

So this isn’t a tool per se, but rather a practice that is extremely helpful and can give a lot of insight. You can get a good idea of your current online presence simply by Googling your company. We don’t mean putting your exact company name in the Google search bar, since in that case you’re likely to show up first on the results.

Instead, try out a series of keywords and phrases that relate to your business. If you own a roofing company in Cincinnati, type “best roofing in Cincinnati” and similar keywords that potential customers might be searching for. This will show you where you stand on Google search results. Feel free to check out the competition and gather some intel.


WordPress is a website building tool that is used by both professionals and non-techy individuals. It creates stunning functional sites and is an amazing tool for companies everywhere. The best part of WordPress is that it is easy to use, and anyone can do it.


A lot of people visit Quora every day in search of answers. Someone asks a question, and a response is posted. The best way to establish yourself as a valuable source and a leader within your industry is to answer these inquiries. It shows that you know your stuff and could potentially lead to a purchase.

Website Grader

Website Grader quite literally grades your website and gives it a rating based on the state it’s in. Just like Google Searching, website grading gives you a good idea of the steps that need to be taken in order to see improvement.


Twitter is a great marketing tool, but it can also cause a lot of problems if people are tweeting negative things about your brand. The BackTweets tool can help; it allows you to find out about links to your site and see who is talking about your brand and what they are saying.