Public transportation has become a necessity in most individual’s lives. Friends, co-workers, family, and acquaintances’ safety depends on those who operate large commercial vehicles. Therefore, it is the official’s responsibility to ensure that those managing the public transportation hold no criminal records and are not abusing dangerous substances.
As a result of this, DOT Alcohol Testing in the transportation industry is crucial for society’s safety.
What Is DOT Alcohol Testing
It is specifically designed for the Department of Transportation regulated employers, which includes appropriate follow-up, post-accident, return-to-duty, and random product offerings.
Alcohol tests are undertaken when a supervisor has reason to suspect that the employee is misusing alcohol or for return-to-duty and follow-up reasons. Additionally, random alcohol testing is required under the Department of Transportation regulations.
The standard alcohol testing uses breadth tests or saliva tests during screening. Alcohol tests that result in less than 0.02 alcohol concentration are considered hostile, and a greater concentration requires a second confirmation testing.
What Is A ‘Positive’ Alcohol Testing
The terms positive and negative test is often used to describe alcohol testing results. Positive Alcohol testing means that the BAT will take the necessary and immediate actions. Under the Department of Transportation regulations, an employee with a DOT Alcohol Testing must not exceed a test result of 0.20 or greater percent. Consequences may result in immediate termination from the safety-sensitive duties.
Most breadth testing devices and instruments report alcohol tests for DOT results in numeric terms. Most of the devices and appliances do not say ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ terminologies.
Testing Regulations
When it comes to alcohol testing, the regulations enlisted by the Department of Transportation are relatively strict. The device used to detect alcohol use is known as the evidential breath testing device or EBT in general. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration must approve the EBT. Also, the EBT device can only be operated by a certified breath alcohol technician.
Representatives will set up an alcohol testing appointment or dispatch a mobile testing unit under the following circumstance –
- Single invoice for all drug as well as health screening services in the Department of Transportation
- Alcohol testing helps reduce costs associated with violence, accidents, litigation, turnover, and theft
- Access to the final result to alcohol test image and report
Failure Of DOT Alcohol Testing
Various circumstances can result in an automatic failure of the alcohol testing result, that are as follows –
- Refusal to sign in or complete the Alcohol testing form
- Test resulting in 0.04 blood alcohol content or higher concentration
- Refusal to take a breath alcohol test or a saliva alcohol test
- Refusal to provide adequate breath for the testing process
- Refusal to partake and cooperate with any part of the alcohol testing process
The stress of running a DOT alcohol testing program helps authorities remain compliant. Failure to partake in the regulations places you at risk for civil penalties, DOT audits, terminations, and out-of-service orders. Hence, it is best to understand the regulations and avoid getting terminated.