Trustify, Changing the Face of Private Investigation

From the outside the world of private investigation doesn’t appear to be the ‘cleanest’ industry and the way that it is often represented to the public can give the impression of it being an industry without morals. Thankfully however this is not the case and there is a company who are seeking to change the stereotypes attached to the industry, and the status quo which caused such stereotypes in the first place. Trustify is a business who are trying to do exactly that and they have so far been very successful in their efforts to change the image of private investigation and here is how they are changing things for the better.

Vetting Process

Trustify has some of the very best private investigators in the business, high class PIs such as Jennifer Mellon and Danny Boice who are helping clients with a range of projects. The reason why Trustify is able to boast such high level PIs is because everyone must go through a strict vetting process to make sure that the private investigators that they offer are of the very highest standard. In the past you would never really know how good a PI was until you had hired them, which gave license to many pretenders trying to carry out such work. With Trustfiy you can guarantee that you are getting the best.


Another murky area in this sector used to be the way in which a private investigator would charge their clients, often lacing the invoice with hidden fees and unexpected charges. With Trustify however the price to pay is completely transparent and will not be impacted by anything that goes on during the process. This means that clients can rely on the original price which they are quoted and in turn, that private investigators are paid well for what they do, a win-win situation for all involved.


Whilst many PIs can turn their hand to just about anything within their field, there are still those who have a particular specializations which can help to give the client the very best results. What Trustify do in this regard is to try and marry up particular jobs and clients, with the private investigators who specialize within that particular environment. This ensures that clients have the best person for the job, and that the private investigator who is tasked, will be operating within their specialism.

Support System

One of the most novel and attractive features of Trustify is that there is a solid support system of customer care and a complaints procedure should it be required. Private investigators have almost always worked autonomously which meant that if you had an issue, they would be the only people who you could contact. With Trustify however there is a round-the-clock support system which you can use to clear up any concerns, place any complaints and which can answer any questions that you may have.

If you do need a private investigator for any kind of matter, Trustify is the best place to go.

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