3 Ways To Support Your Partner Right After She Has A Baby

If your partner has just had a baby, you might be feeling like you want to help but aren’t sure how. With so many new things going on and changes to both her body and emotional state, it can be hard to know what you can do to be of assistance and support.

Luckily, with a little thought and communication, you and your partner can get through the early baby stages with love and grace for one another. To show you how this can be done, here are three ways you can support your partner right after she’s had a baby.

Work To Increase Your Patience With Her

Your partner is going to be going through a lot during this time. Not only is she now a new mother, but she sometimes might feel like her own body is working against her. During times like these, it can be so helpful if she can see you as a loving, patient partner.

According to Luis Velasquez, a contributor to GoodMenProject.com, part of you expressing this patience should come in the form of you being a reassuring presence for her. Tell her that she looks beautiful as a mother. Express that you think she’s doing a great job. Don’t pressure her for things that she might not be ready for, physically or emotionally. She’ll appreciate your increase of patience, especially in the first few weeks or months.

Be More Aware Of What’s Going On Around You At Home

New mothers often feel that their plate is too full for them. Because of this, you can show support to your partner by taking some things off her plate so she can focus on the most important aspects of having a new baby.

To do this, you should try to be more aware of what’s going on around you at home. If there is laundry that needs to be done or dishes sitting in the sink, take care of these things. To go even further, Ariel Brewster, a contributor to Today’s Parent, shares that you should especially step in while your partner is feeding the baby, as she is stuck in that same place until the baby’s done eating.

Find Ways To Give Her A Break As Often As You Can

Your partner’s life will likely completely revolve around your new baby for a while. And while she might find joy in this, it’s always nice to have a break every now and then.

If it’s possible, Timothy Parsons, a contributor to the Huffington Post, suggests that you find ways to give your wife a break so she can feel like her old self every once in a while. This could mean letting her take a night off with some friends, going shopping for a few hours on her own, or even just taking an uninterrupted shower.

If you’ve got a baby on the way, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you be the most supportive partner for this new mom.

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