If either one or even both of your elderly parents ever need thorough, 24/7 support to ensure they retain a good quality of living, then you’re going to have to consider moving them into a care home. There’s nothing wrong with doing so, and you should never feel like guilty if you ever do have to take such an action.
When in their care home, your elderly parents will be tended to, there’s no denying that. However, it still doesn’t hurt for you to offer them additional support when it comes to their health and happiness. To see how you can go about providing them such care, make sure to read on for our top three ways.
Bring them their creature comforts
Quelling any homesickness that they might be feeling and making your elderly parents feel at home in their care home is pivotal. Doing so will keep them happy and their morale up, and that’ll have a direct impact on their health.
To make them feel at home in their new environment, you should bring your elderly parents’ creature comforts to them. It could mean bringing a specific pillow or blanket, a specific type of shampoo or toothpaste, or even their TV. Whatever it is you parents liked and used at their own home regularly, make sure they can use it now. Doing so will comfort them during the hours of the day when you aren’t at the care home visiting them, which will help them to beat their loneliness.
Ensure they are drinking and eating healthily
Especially if your parents stubbornly refused to enter the care home that they now find themselves in, it can be easy for them to give up looking after their health. To the point, it can become easy for them to miss their meals and for them to stop drinking water.
The support that your elderly parents will receive from the on-call carers at their care home should see them remain fed and hydrated, but, just in case this isn’t the case, you need to take this task as your own. You should bring healthy food to them that they have previously liked, and you should watch them as they eat it. Whether they’ve liked it previously or not, you should also bring them bottles of water to consume.
Make sure their care is top notch
Again, the support that your parents’ care home assistants offer should be enough to keep them happy and healthy. If for any reason you don’t think this care is top notch, then you need to do something about it. It could mean simply talking to the on-call carers and querying a few problems that you have with their work, or this could mean heading to the-medical-negligence-experts.co.uk and claiming compensation for care home negligence. To what extent you go is completely dependant on the situation that you find yourself in. The point is, if you think something is wrong, for your elderly parents’ sake, you have to take action.
If you have no other choice but to move your elderly parents into a care home, then make sure you do it. It’ll be best for them and for you. If you ever to take such an action, remember that it is still vital for you to contribute to their health and their happiness.