The IBPS RRB syllabus is not very difficult to master when you put your mind to it, but it is quite comprehensive and requires you to pay attention to details. The exam is similar to many other banking examinations, but the prelim patterns are different from other similar exams. If you have a good idea about what the syllabus entails, it will be much easier for you to prepare for the exams. Here is a guide to the IBPS RRB syllabus so that you know what to expect.
The IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Exam is conducted in 3 phases, while Scale II and III are to be conducted in 2 phases.
The IBPS RRB Officer Scale I exam consists of the Preliminary exam, the mains exam, and the interview.
The IBPS RRB Office Scale II and III exams consist of the main exam and the interview process.
The IBPS RRB PO officer scale I prelims exam pattern consists of:
- Reasoning section of 40 marks, with 40 questions to be answered in 45 minutes.
- The Numerical Ability Exam consists of 40 marks with 40 questions.
- There is a Numerical Ability consisting of 40 questions of 50 marks.
- There is the Reasoning section of 40 questions with 50 marks.
- Then, there is the General Awareness Paper consisting of 40 questions of 40 marks.
- There is an English or Hindi Language paper with 40 questions of 40 marks.
- Then, there is the computer knowledge paper with 40 questions of 20 marks.
The total mark is 200.
For the IBPS RRB Mains exam, the pattern is as follows.
- There is the reasoning section consisting of 40 questions of 50 marks.
- The Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation paper consists of 40 questions of 50 marks.
- The Financial Awareness Paper consists of 40 questions with 40 marks.
- The English Language or Hindi language section consists of 40 questions of 40 marks.
- The computer knowledge paper consists of 40 questions with 20 marks.
- The total marks in this section are 200, and the duration is 2 hours.
For the IBPS RRB Mains Exam Officer Scale III, the exam pattern is as follows:
- The section consists of 40 questions of 50 marks.
- The Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation paper consists of 40 questions of 50 marks.
- The financial awareness paper consists of 40 questions with 40 marks.
- The Hindi language paper consists of 40 questions of 40 marks.
- The computer knowledge paper would consist of 40 questions with 20 marks.
The IBPS RRB syllabus consists of a wide range of topics:
The reasoning section has questions regarding puzzles, number series, coding, arrangement, alphabet test, word formation, analogy, and blood relation.
The Quantitative Aptitude or Numerical Ability test would consist of profit and loss, pie chart, number system, data interpretation, decimal, fraction, time and distance, average, percentage, case study, probability, permutation, and combination, among others.
The language test could consist of spotting errors, rearrangement, fill in the blanks, jumbled words, idioms, and phrases, one-word substation, cloze tests, and more.
The computer knowledge section would comprise the database, input, and output, computer languages, shortcut keys, future of computers, computer languages, security tools, hackings, Trojans, and more.
The financial awareness section would have questions from bad loans, budget, asset reconstruction, risk management, banking, economic survey, monetary policy, among others.
By following the exam pattern and syllabus, you will fare very well in the IBP RRB exams and secure the much-coveted job.